The unlimited aspect of mansa seva (Main Points)

Dadi Janki – 30.4.11 (Evening) – Global Retreat Centre, Oxford

-To do mansa seva my attitude must be peaceful, elevated and unlimited.
-When we experience peace inside, that does the service.
-Whoever we come into contact with – whether we know them or not – should benefit. This is what it is to do mansa seva.
-We have to create a happier world though everyone’s co-operation. Many people co-operated with us through these projects. The thought that was behind them was: something has to happen!  The word co-operation has such depth.  Just be co-operative and inspire others.
-The entire globe needs our co-operation now. God, the Master, is giving it, and we are His servers.
-We have found the Unlimited Father, we have a study that helps to keep our mind in the unlimited and the service we do is unlimited. If we get trapped in limited service, we are not serving - we will be compelled to do what the mind wants and not be free for God to use us.
-Mansa seva is when my mind moves in the direction and in the way that Baba wants it to. If Baba is happy, the whole world is happy. If just I am happy, the whole world won’t be.
-To do mansa seva I need to make myself such good quality that I embody those values.
-We have to spend our time doing what needs to happen, without wasting anything. When this happens, the mind has the feeling and the true spirit to serve. 
-What is service? To serve immediately whoever comes in contact with me; they then want to co-operate in God’s task.


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