Deep Secrets Of Karma ( good points )

If I carry out an unrighteous act, it will be copied by all those who see me. Every yogi is one out of millions, and so is responsible for millions. Whatever I send out into my surroundings will return to me forcefully at its own time. Whatever we give to world comes back to us...This is the undeniable spiritual law - a subtle but  practical form of Karmic Law.

Therefore, to be free of obstacles, we would need to change:

1) Our thought patterns from negative to positive by being a well-wisher to all. Emerge our stage of being a Master Worldbenefactor and send vibrations of good wishes and pure feelings towards all human beings and
elements of nature as well. Our thoughts of love, peace, purity and mercy will definitely reach them.

2) Our words and our actions should be in harmony with our pure feelings and good wishes.
The actions performed now  along these lines will take care of my future, but what about the past? What can I
do about the thoughts and attitudes I already hold about people I am related to or I came into contact with? What can I do about the words I've uttered and actions I have already performed? I require a lot of courage,
determination and will-power to clear up the past. 

(To be Contd.)

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