50 Elevated Efforts to Make

Past is Past – Stop Indulging Thoughts of The Past
Forget Mistakes
Stay Close to Baba – Always Be in Baba’s Drishti
Be a Simple Sample
Stay in The Gathering – Do not Run Away
Go deep into Silence even While Speaking
Channel Enthusiasm into Introversion
See Specialities in Each Soul
Value Everything Baba gives Me
Use Everything in a Worthwhile Way
Be Real, Be Sweet
Aim for The Rosary of 108
Be Honest with Baba
Come to Amrit Vela Full of Love
Give Pure Power to All
Don’t see or Hear Weaknesses
Let go of ‘Mine’ and ‘I’ –become a Mine of All Treasures
Go Deep Inside and Play with Jewels
Make Effort to be a Diamond
Practice Being Bodiless
Keep Zeal and Enthusiasm
Reveal Baba Through My Face
Do What it Takes to Feel Powerful – Never Lose Power
Keep Happiness
Sing Baba’s Praises
Be an Authority of Bhavna
Think Positive
Have Pure Feelings
Just Say Omshanti 3 Times- One for Self, One for Baba, One for Drama
Maintain Dignity at All Times
Finish All Traces of Old Sanskaras
Go to Baba for All Relationships
Never Defame Anyone
Speak Royally
Make Sure My Vibrations are Royal
Write to Dadi Each Month
Keep an Attitude of ‘Haji’ in Service
Prepare Properly for Amrit Vela
Put a Full Stop to Self Doubt
Keep The Murli in My Heart All Day
Continue Drill Practice Once Every Hour

Always Keep Two Wings to Fly :- (i) A Deeply Honest Relationship with Baba and (ii) An Unlimitted Heart in Service
A Bird would Never Ask ‘ How Can I Fly ? ’ – Let go of the Branch and You will Fly.
Say Mera Baba
Be Big Hearted
Step Forward with Courage to Stretch Myself
Continue to Chart Daily
Make Baba My Companion (Saathi) & Become a detached Observer (Sakshi)
Sit Peacefully with Baba and Whatever Pure Thoughts I have will be Fulfilled.

"If you fall, fall like a seed to germinate but not like a leaf to die"

ॐ शांति 

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